The articles below are just a few examples of our perspectives on important issues impacting law firms. They reflect our philosophy of focusing on human behavior and pragmatic results, not just academic theories or superficial trends.

The Temptation of Two-Tiers: Risks and Rewards
According to the legal press, large law firms that lack a two-tiered ownership structure are now in the minority and are likely to be left in the dust economically. But two-tier structures have some common, and commonly overlooked, risks.

Five Questions to Begin Your Strategic Planning Efforts
While we are not fans of large strategic planning committees the truth is most firms start their planning efforts by forming a large committee. One of the first and toughest issues for any committee is deciding, “what should our strategic plan focus on?”

Who Is Your Favorite Child?
Selling the Concept of Prioritized Investments in Your Strategic Plan
Managing Partner: “As part of our strategic plan we are going to invest more in these practices/locations for the next 2-3 years.”
Partner: “So, in other words me and my practice don’t matter to the firm? Perhaps we should just leave!”

Studies have found 70% or more of corporate mergers fail to achieve their goals or generate a return
to shareholders. Law firm mergers have a similarly low success rate. But why? How do law firm mergers go astray, and what can leaders learn from successful mergers?

Is Origination Credit Hurting Rather Than Helping Your Law Firm?
It is obviously critical to reward those who develop and bond clients to a firm. Indeed, without doing so most firms won’t survive. And there is nothing wrong with measuring those results. The challenge is that in an attempt to measure results, client views, profits and teamwork sometimes take a backseat to the pressures a partner feels in trying to prove his/her worth to the firm.

Transparency is a common refrain in both business and society today, and with good reason. Clarity about what, who and why instills confidence in leaders and creates a sense of integrity. And yet, transparency in partner compensation seems to repeatedly create unhappiness and dissension. Research shows the secret is not just in transparency, but equally in predictability.

Nine Elements of a Successful Client Pitch

The Unintended Consequences of Ditching Lockstep
Successful merit compensation incentives aren’t always logical or easy
While lockstep partner compensation systems have diminished in popularity, the transition to merit based solutions isn't always as smooth or self-motivating as many hope.

Six Strange Truths About Partner Compensation
Compensation is assumed to be a simple topic because people will allegedly do almost anything you pay them to do. But the truth is human motivation is a much more complicated topic than most people believe, and many common assumptions about how to motivate behaviors are proven to be wrong.

Partner Compensation is Changing: Is Your Top Talent Now Underpaid?
Each time a record setting compensation level is revealed in the press we receive questions from Managing Partners asking:
“Are our top performers paid fairly?”
“Should we increase our compensation spread?”